I am so glad that you choose to view my life. Take a glimpse or you can follow me and stay updated!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

zSHARE - Wale - Aston Martin Music.mp3

zSHARE - Wale - Aston Martin Music.mp3

Prince Gettis-Late October

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frugalista Shopping Report: Grocery Shopping 101

First of all GOOD Morning... anybody who knows me... knows I am a FEEN for COUPONS and a good deal! :) So yesterday was my first time going full blown grocery shopping... I saved about 75 bucks!!!! I bought 53!!! items and ONLY spent $100 if that isn't amazing I don't know what is!

If you want to shop here and save some money the website is here: http://aldi.us/index_ENU_HTML.htm but you can't buy online...

First time shoppers should click here: http://aldi.us/us/html/company/shopping_smarter_3180_ENU_HTML.htm. This link provides an excellent way to learn about the Aldi experience and what you need to bring with you and what the stores provides. (i.e. quarter, your own bags, pick up boxes, etc)

I hope you enjoy Aldi's as much as I did.... tell me about your experience! :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


So I think I want to arrange a stay-cation. I do not have a lot of money but it would be nice to "get away" from it all for at least a day or two....

The thing is where can I go in the DMV that will not be too expense and keep in mind I have a 3 month old in tow also! :)

Give me some ideas! :)

Happy Monday

I am back! I am so hungry... something about Monday's can be sooo depressing BUT today I am going to make it a great day! It is the start of a new week and Friday is payday and time to get dressed up for Halloween....

Okay so let's get today started!

Don't forget to Follow me on Twitter! Click Below :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Event Planning

I am currently working at a conference. It is a much smaller scale this year as opposed to last year. This year there are about 700 participants versus last year at 2500 people. Anyway, it is really fun BUT I can't do my work out...

Anyway, I love planning events and meetings (email me if you would like an event planned) BUT I also have a newborn, and I wonder how possible it is to be in my career field with such a young child! Anyway, if it is local I have no problems BUT when it is out of town it presents a challenge. I need to travel my Nanny and find something to do with my dog... etc. etc.

with that being said, I am looking for a new and exciting career! I am an EXTRA organized person (slightly OCD), I learn very quickly, I have a BS in Business Management and I have worked with the federal goverment (planning their meetings) for almost 3 years now.

Anyway, with that kind of experience, what kind of job can I get? I am so worried about switching jobs that I will have a lapse in a pyacheck.. .etc.... HELP... I would love some advice.

thanks in advance!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween Costume

So I am looking for a fantabulous Halloween Costume...

2010 Ideas: Vampire, bumble bee, Wilma (flintstones),

2009: Queen of Hearts
2008: Masquerade Ball (simple black dress with a mask) and Referee? I don't remember
2007: Maybe I was a ref this year?

Anyway, Help me out... what do you think?

What is Blogging?

So I had an interesting conversation yesterday. Person X and I were talking about what is the point of Social Media, such as FB, Twitter, BLOGGING, etc. I simply told him no, I do not think EVERYONE cares about what I have to say BUT someone will read my story and will think I have potential to do something for them. Social Media can lead to jobs, meeting new people, finding things to do in the city, etc....

What do you think? I am just someone that wants to be heard. I am an adventurous person, why not try something new. I will not lie, I am new to blogging and I am really interested in this! So I thought I would drop a quick line and say Blogging, FB, and Twitter are greats way to connect to people! :)